Again taking immense pleasure to share my view on your area of specialty.
As you said very beginning of our meeting that it's my baby and I will not only give 100% but 200% for sure.
And as you said there is no doubt when it comes to your expertise. In our First meeting, you surprise us with a beautiful gift hamper. And it meant a lot to us. you had planned very well & given us a personalized diary, your timely surprise gift hampers were really appreciated. It had a lot of love and care involve in it.
Our First Giza, In Cairo 4th Oct Meditation was phenomenal. One of the best experience I ever had.
As a tourist, you would have got to see and learn about that place but you made us do meditation on the land of wonder, known for the highest energy source. there was a magnificent view of the pyramid and your such deep enchanting words made us go in transcendental level altogether.
Similarity all meditation you took throughout our trip was amazing. The only thing we wanted it more organized proper place and good leisure time.
Next session in Hotel Hilton Cairo was a mindboggling experience, it was a Real connection. Your workshop on sun deck was so good we kind of engrossed so much that we had forgotten to have dinner.
And I must say over and above all your Angel cards was an all-time favorite added lot of value meaning and surprised me every time.
Now eagerly awaiting those positive things to flow uninterrupted in my life, things have already started working towards it.
I really appreciate your effort, courage to take us so far and different places and make us do all different unique activity.
I really liked your objective & theme, selection of place. With this unique concept, you will get a lot of success and I wish you all the very best from my bottom of the heart.

I was blown away by the chakra checking and reading on the first day!
I released my trauma and cried like a baby uninhibitedly. So that set the tone for my trip.
The energies at Giza were good for meditation, would have liked to meditate more.
Workshops on the cruise deck were so good in understanding, you made sure we received correct affirmations,
grateful for all that you did for us. I still don’t know how such a strong & soulful bonding happened between all of us, our relationship is strong & beautiful ~ how can it get better than this! What else is possible!!
Pod & Poc
Grateful for taking us on this epic trip
Thank you, Egypt & Thanks Mukta

Thank you very much for your time and attention. It was really a great experience I had. Now, I am really feeling much better and positive with full of energy…
Looking forward to seeing you soon again…You are very good healer and too good in subject/approach which made me feel comfortable/open to share my concerns…
Once again, thank you very much for everything. It’s kind of a first experience I ever had in my life and now felt that there are some thoughts/mindsets/perceptions which were overruling to my heart and mind was not truly myself. I had my little world stuck over there…
I wanted to share my beautiful experience with Mukta regarding her workshop on “I am Money” It was soooo gud and nice, it creates lots of positivity because what I know about Mukta, she herself is a very positive person. If ever you all can make it next time to attend this workshop, I request each and everyone to once go through this journey of actually knowing what it is all about. Thank you Mukta once again to bring out all the unwanted clutter in us, and show us a path to make all the impossible happen <3